Page name: Hermione Granger Fanz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-11-08 04:05:15
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 5
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WELCOME TO Hermione Granger Fanz


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2009-08-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: I wish we could do this everyday.

2009-08-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: me too

2009-08-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles as she eats more*

Sasuke: *eats some sushi*

2009-08-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*eats alot of sushi*

hermione*eats sushi too*

2009-08-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *eats alot of sushi*

Sasuke: *smiles at Misty*

2009-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i'm kinda stuffed

2009-08-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Me too.

Sasuke: *smiles* Really?

2009-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*has some more*

2009-08-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles*

2009-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles*

2009-08-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *eats more*

Sasuke: *smiles as he eats*

2009-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*eats more*

2009-08-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *stops* I'm full.

2009-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: me too

2009-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke: I'm full.

Misty: *smiles*

2009-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i'm also full

2009-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Where to now, should we just walk around to settle are food?

2009-08-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione: sure... it sounds like a good idea

2009-08-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Ok, cool.

2009-08-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles*

2009-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke: Where do you want to go, gift shops?

Misty: Sounds ok, Mia, Hermione?

2009-08-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione: that's sounds ok with us

2009-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Ok, cool.

2009-08-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione and mia: *smiles*

2009-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *stands up*

Sasuke: *stands as well*

2009-08-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*does the same*

2009-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Sasuke: *go out to the gift shops*

2009-08-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*follows*

2009-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: That one has stuffed animals!

2009-08-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i love stuffed animals:)

2009-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Than let's go! *runs into the store*

2009-08-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*folows*

2009-08-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles as Sasuke and Mia follow her*

2009-08-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles at misty while sasuke and hermione is folowing her*

2009-08-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *looks at the stuffed animals and finds a panda*

2009-08-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks at the stuffed animals and sees a an ireomote wild cat and a tenuki*

2009-08-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *sees a hello kitty*

2009-08-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*sees it too and looks at misty*

2009-08-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Isn't it cute?!

2009-08-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: sorry but i don't like hello kitty

2009-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Huh, why not?

2009-08-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i just don't like it...i'm ok with it as long as i don't have to get one against my will

2009-08-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Oh, ok it's cool.

2009-08-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:thanx misty

2009-08-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Your welcome, let's look at more.

2009-08-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: sure

2009-08-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *looks through the bins*

2009-08-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks too*

2009-08-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *finds a dog*

2009-08-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*finds two owls and two giraffs and looks at hermione and smiles*

2009-08-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *finds an otter, a seel, and a dolphin*

2009-08-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: aww that's a cute otter

2009-08-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Yeah, I know. I want these three.

2009-08-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i want the owls,giraffs and 2 otters if i find any

2009-08-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: I'll help you look.

2009-08-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles* thanx misty^^

2009-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles as she looks* Your welcome.

2009-08-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles back*

2009-08-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *finds 2 otters*

2009-08-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: you found something?

2009-08-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: I found the two otters.

2009-08-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: really? thanx^^

2009-08-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *hands the two otters to Mia*

2009-08-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: thanx misty

2009-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles* Your Welcome Mia.

2009-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: are we all done now?

2009-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: I am.

Sasuke: You sure?

Misty: *smiles* Yep.

2009-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:look at hermione are you done?

hermione: yes i am

mia: ok let's go pay

2009-09-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Yeah.

Sasuke: *smiles*

2009-09-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*walks throw the store looking for a place to pay the things*

2009-09-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *finds a cash register*

2009-09-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *folows misty*

2009-09-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: We're ready to pay now.

Checkout Lady: Alright, is this together or seperate?

2009-09-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: seperate i think

2009-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: I can pay for your stuff Mia if you want.

2009-09-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: thank you misty^^ i'll pay you back some time^^

2009-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: It's cool. *buys mine and Mia's things*

2009-09-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: thanx misty

2009-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Your Welcome Mia. *smiles*

2009-09-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *smiles back*

2009-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *hands Mia her things*

2009-09-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*hugs misty* thank you very much

2009-09-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: It's no problem.

2009-09-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *smiles* so what are we going to do now? more shoping?

2009-09-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Sure if you want. *smiles*

2009-09-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i asked what you wanted to do^^ or actually it's getting late...should we start heading home?

2009-09-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: I am feeling kinda tired.

2009-09-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: can i just go to the shop next door?

2009-09-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Sure, I'll wait for you on the bench outside.

2009-09-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: good, hermione and sasuke can you join misty? i'll be quick i promiss

2009-09-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke: Yeah, sure.

2009-09-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: of course*sits down on the bench near by*

mia: thanx i'll see you in a few*runs to the shop*

2009-09-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Sasuke: *sit on the bench with Hermione to wait for Mia*

2009-09-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i wonder what she's going to get now

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Don't know, but she must want it to be a surprise or something.

2009-09-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:i guess so

mia:*comes running back with 2 bags*ok let's go

2009-09-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles and gets up* Ok, did you have fun?

2009-09-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*nods* i did*smiles* i wanna show you something when we get back home^^

2009-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: So is everyone ready to go?

2009-09-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i'm reddy

mia: so am i

2009-09-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke: I'm ready too.

Misty: *smiles* Ok, then let's head off.

2009-09-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *smiles back* let's go

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Sasuke: *head out of the park with Mia and hermione*

2009-09-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione: *walks hand in hand to the car*

2009-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *gets in the driver's seat and unlocks the car so everyone else can get in and buckles up*

Sasuke: *gets in the passenger side and buckles up*

2009-09-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione: *gets in the back and buckles up*

2009-09-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *starts the car and drives away*

2009-09-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: how long till we get home?

2009-09-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: About 20, maybe 30 minutes.

2009-09-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: cool

2009-09-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Yeah, so are you going to tell us what you bought, or is it a surprise?

2009-09-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: you'll see when we get home

2009-10-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles* Oh, ok then.

2009-10-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles*

2009-10-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *stops outside the house* Ok, we're home.

2009-10-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *unbuckles the belt* let's go inside and i'll show you what i got^^

2009-10-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *turns the car off, unbuckles her belt, and gets out of the car*

Sasuke: *does the same*

2009-10-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione and mia:*folows misty's and sasuske's example*

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *goes to the door and unlocks and opens it* You guys can go in first if you want.

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:thanx misty*carries all her bags inside*

hermione:*follows mia* thanx

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: No problem. *goes in after Sasuke and shuts the front door*

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: who wanna see what i bought?

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: I do.

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: ok but first let's turn on some light and the tv

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *raises an eyebrow* Well ok then. *turns on some lights*

Sasuke: *turns on the Tv*

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i just don't like a dark and quiet house^^'*sits down on the sofa*

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Neither do I.

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: who's first?

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Huh, what do you mean?

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*grabs a 4 presents from the bag from the second shop* thought i was gonna give everyone something to remember the day^^'

2009-10-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Aw, that's sweet.

2009-10-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*gives a pressent to misty,hermione and sasuke and keeps one herself* go ahead and open them^^

2009-10-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *opens her present*

2009-10-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermone:*opens her pressent* wow nice twilight mug there mia. i like the other things you put in there too

2009-10-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Oh Mia, I love this Twilight hat, it's so cool.

2009-10-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i brought you all the same things just different motives cause i couldn't find anything better to get^^'

2009-11-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke: Thanks Mia. *smiles as he pulled out a twilight shirt*

2009-11-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i wasn't sure if you'd like all twilight things sasuke so there's some ninja things in there for you^^'

2009-11-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke: Thanks Mia.

2009-11-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: no problems at all^^'

2009-12-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *hugs Mia* This is great.

Sasuke: Yeah, it is. *smiles*

2009-12-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *hugs back* it's nothing really, just wanted you all to remember the day

hermione:*smiles* thanx mia

2010-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles* Thanks, now I'll never forget.

Sasuke: Neither will I. *smiles*

2010-01-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: you're all wery welcome:)

2010-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: So should we go to sleep now or do you guys want to play a board game?

2010-01-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i wanna play unooo

2010-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Ok, sounds cool.

Sasuke: Sounds good to me.

2010-01-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: let's play uno then

2010-01-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *gets the Uno cards and shuffles the deck after sitting on the couch*

Sasuke: *sits on the couch*

2010-01-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and herminone:*sits down on another couch*

2010-01-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *passes out the cards and turns one over* It's a blue 8, who wants to go first?

Sasuke: *picks up his cards*

2010-01-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i can*picks up her card and puts down a red 8*

hermione:*picks up her card and puts on a red 4*

2010-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts a red 5 down*

Sasuke: *puts a red 6 down*

2010-02-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*puts a green 4 down*

hermione:*puts a green 1 down*

2010-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts a green 3 down*

Sasuke: *puts a yellow 3 down*

2010-02-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *puts down a yellow 0*

hermione i'm sorry misty*puts down a +4 carsd* blue

2010-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles and draws 4* It's ok.

Sasuke: *puts a blue 2 down*

2010-02-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *puts down a blue 9*

hermione:*puts down a blue 8*

2010-02-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts down a blue two*

Sasuke: Sorry Mia. *puts down a blue draw two*

2010-02-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:it's ok sasuke*draws 2 cards*

hermione:*puts down 2 skip player cards(1 blue and 1 red)* your turn again mia

mia:*puts down a red 1*

hermione: *puts down a red 3*

2010-02-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts down a red 2*

Sasuke: *draws a card because he didn't have the right color, the same number, or a wild card*

2010-02-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*puts down a green 2* uno

hermione:*draws a card*

2010-02-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts down a green 1*

Sasuke: *draws a card*

2010-02-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*puts down a green 9* i won

hermione: *puts down a red 9*

2010-02-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *smiles* Way to go Mia.

Sasuke: Yeah.

2010-02-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *smiles* thanx, let's see who'll be second

hermione: well it's misty's turn in that case

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts down a red 4*

Sasuke: *smiles and puts down a red 6* Uno!

2010-02-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione *puts down a red and a green skip player* uno*then draws a card and puts down a green 5*

2010-02-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts down two skip player one green one yellow then puts down a yellow draw two*

Sasuke: *draws two*

2010-02-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*draws a card then puts down 1 yellow 1 card and 1 green 1 card then don't have any more cards*


2010-02-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Hermione's second!

2010-02-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles* who'll be 3rd?

hermione: i think misty

2010-02-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *puts down a blue draw two* Uno!

Sasuke: *draws 2*

Misty: *puts down a blue 3*

2010-02-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione: congrat misty

2010-02-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Thanks guys. *kisses Sasuke's cheek* I'm sorry you lost.

Sasuke: It's ok.

2010-02-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:anyone wanna play more?

2010-02-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: You want to play the same game?

2010-02-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:ether game is fine with me

2010-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: We can play Monopoly.

2010-02-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: sure

2010-02-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *gets the game* Ok what do you want, the dog, shoe, car, iron, or the thimble?

2010-02-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i want the shoe

hermione: isn't there a hat too?

2010-02-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *gives Mia the shoe* I knew I forgot one.

Sasuke: I want the car please.

Misty: *gives Sasuke the car*

2010-02-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: can i have the hat?

2010-02-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: Sure Hermione, and I'll take the dog.

2010-02-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i've only played monopoly a few times

2010-02-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: So have I, I think we have to take one of the dice and roll to see who goes first.

2010-02-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*nods*

2010-02-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *rolls and gets a four*

Sasuke: *rolls and gets a one*

2010-02-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*rolls and get 2*

hermione:*rolls and get 1 too*

2010-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: So I go first then Mia, then Hermione, then Sasuke.

2010-02-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*nods*

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty: *rolls and gets a four, and moves my piece* I landed on income tax. *pouts and pays 200 dollars*

2010-02-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*rolls and gets 3*

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: (I don't have the board memorized so we'll have to make it up as we go I guess.)

2010-02-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: (maybe we should play another game then?)

2010-02-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: (Trouble maybe?)

2010-02-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: (don't know that game)

2010-02-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: (Any suggestions?)

2010-02-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: (twister?)

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